Age Restricted Communities and Senior Communities

Our firm represents a number of age-restricted and senior communities.  Although elder care and elder abuse matters rarely come up in the day-to-day legal work we perform for the majority of our community association clients, we are familiar with California's Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, as well as other laws pertaining to the welfare of elderly persons. Attorneys in our firm have prior experience representing elder care residential facilities and hospitals, performing patient advocacy work involving dealings with Social Security, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal and evaluating legal issues related to involuntary civil commitments, and our litigation team has addressed issues involving alleged elder abuse. An example of our current age-restricted/senior housing community clients is a 6,323-member stock cooperative located in Orange County. As issues or claims regarding elder care, elder abuse, or civil commitments may arise, we will be able to effectively advise an association's board in such matters.
